Monday, June 11, 2012

And the Beat Goes On

Since the last post, so long ago, there has been little to report because every Saturday we (Mike, Tom and I) spend sanding, scraping, applying epoxy, sanding again, applying more epoxy and so on. Cherie comes sometimes. Mike has taken some interior pieces home to work on and Cherie, (His wife now. She was a girlfriend way back when we started this project) is learning to make cushions.

Sundays Tom and I usually put in an additional  half day or so. When you consider 6 or 7 full days a month and none in the winter during ski season, we really have not invested that much time over the last 2 years, but it sure feels like a lifetime. We are all weary, and are prone toward giving in to the temptation to cut corners and make it "good enough", but we are trying to stay as true to the vision as we can and make it as good as we can, considering our newbie skill level. 

Do I wish that we had, back at the beginning, decided to bite the bullet and paid the big bucks to have it professionally done, and in 2 weeks? You betcha. But oh well, lesson learned and we are almost ready to paint.

I am happy about preserving her history.

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